CV. Megatama Prima sebagai suplier mesin cuci dan pengering brand Electrolux Profesional untuk kebutuhan laundry konvensional, Rumah Sakit, Hotel, dan industry. Kami berlokasi di Jakarta Barat dan mensuplai ke seluruh wilayah di Indonesia bahkan untuk kebutuhan service dan part dapat kami bantu dengan harga dan pelayanan terbaik.
Dryer featuring exceptional savingsand effortless use
Priority on people
Certified ergonomic design with a human-centered approach for an outstanding
user experience
• Lint filter
The horizontal filter drawer ispositioned for easy access and cleaning without
the need to bend down
Long-term savings
Innovative features to save moneyand time, and embrace a sustainable lifestyle
• Moisture Balance (optional)
Helps to stop the drying process at the right time to save on energy costs
Pure control
Monitor your equipment and performance from anywhere, allowing to take
action and to improve your businesswith OnE Laundry - the personal assistant
for hygiene validation management,process management and revenue
management (optional)
Outstanding productivity
Dry more laundry in less time: agame-changing improvement
• Reversing drum
Minimizes wrinkles and drying time to get an effective and even drying
Main options and accessories
• Insulated glass door keeps thedoor cool on the outside and heat on the
inside, so the room temperature isnot affected
• Lagoon Advanced Care
• Drum Speed Control adjusts the movement of the drum to help garments move
correctly for a faster dryingprocess
• Door, front and side panels areavailable in stainless steel
• Connectable to booking-/paymentsystem or coin meter
• Adaptive Fan Control - TheAdaptive Fan Control adjusts the fan speed
automatically to keep air flowingefficiently which will save energy and help to
optimize the drying time. (Onlyavailable on electric heated machines)